Wooden Cervical Pillow

‘Kyoung Chim’ 頸枕 means a cervical pillow in Korean, and its unique design comforts our neck.

Our neck bones, cervical spines, support the weight of our heads, and they are constantly under pressure. As a result, discs between cervical spines tend to be compressed, and, in most of cases, it causes pain.

In addition, improper driving habits, sitting long time in front of a computer, excessively using handheld devices, or any stress on our neck may cause a forward head posture (aka. Text Neck) as well as shoulder discomfort, headache, herniated cervical disc, and/or bad posture in general.

SUNFLOWER Cervical Wooden Pillow is highly recommended to those with such conditions.


Buckwheat Hull Pillow

A pithy phrase, Head Cold & Feet Warm 頭寒足熱, is from one of the fundamental principle in Traditional Medicine. It means to keep your head cool and feet warm. Our ancestors applied this principle to their daily (or nightly) uses with the buckwheat hulls in their pillows.

The cold nature of the buckwheat cools the accumulated heat of the head while we sleep, and allows us the comfortable sleep.

SUNFLOWER buckwheat Hull pillow is malleable and non-shifting to maintain our neck contour and cervical alignment during sleep unlike cotton or feather filled pillows. Once achieving this position, your body is better able to relax and rest through the sleep stages uninterrupted.